Happy New Year!
Hello, I hope you have had a great Christmas and let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year from Treargel.
Quiet Days
Our first Quiet day (in this series) went really well, according to the attendees.
"I liked the relaxed, informal atmosphere and the way Naomi led the sessions in a light and non-threatening approach."
"It is such a valuable thing to offer to make space for God and yourself, to be real and to share that."
I enjoyed "the Peace and Quiet; feeling welcome and listened to".

7 people wandered from fire to fire (it was very cold and rainy), 3 even went down separately to the Hermitage. Over three sessions we looked at our life journeys and took stock, while enjoying baked potatoes and lots of cake, as you can see in the picture below.
Our next Quiet Day will be on 26th January with the title De-clutter your life.
We like to tidy our homes especially after Christmas, but what about our lives? This day will look at what sparks joy in your life and how to fit more joy in.
Then on 13th February (the day before Valentines) we will look at Belonging. What does it mean to truly belong?
If you or your friends suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder - giving yourself time, meditation, talking and getting outside in nature are all meant to help. All good reasons to come to Treargel for a spell ;)
And let us remind you of our special offer of 20% off from now till end of March with this code 20for20. Book your time now as we already have bookings every month till September.
Here at Treargel we like to create a safe place for people to wrestle with stuff that's important. In light of this I am wondering if anyone would be interested in a Richard Rohr discussion. Many of our guests enjoy reading books by him, but is what he is suggesting right? A chance for some non-judgemental discussion around the fire with others. Plus we will throw in dinner for £5. Click here to email if you are interested and we can work out dates and details.
Lastly, have a great year. And don't forget to be kind to yourself and retreat, in whatever way is best for you.